Nikki Hamilton


is the owner of

Seedling Digital,

a boutique

Web Creation

agency based


Gold Coast, Australia.

“My customers are mostly businesses that have been around the block, so they understand the value in having a professional online presence”.

She builds brands and websites for businesses who are ready to take their online presence to the next level.

She’s driven, she loves a challenge and she always gets things done!

Full Picture

“I used to work in corporate digital marketing and I’ve also built an e-commerce business from the ground up, so I have experience on both sides of the fence, which is very helpful for my clients.“
Getting the

Cool Factor

Bringing the

Nikki loves to create stunning websites for businesses which aren’t usually considered “cool”. Some of her recent projects include a beautiful smash repairer website, and an epic, streamlined site for a worm farm producer.

“This was a passion project that turned into an actual client project. I love that this project used bright colors, looks fun, and helped the client pivot into making herself the center of her brand.”
worms downunder

“The sky is the limit.
I've built sites I never would have believed are possible a year ago. If you can dream it, you can do it with Elementor.”

& Creativity

Freedom, Flexibility

Tips & Tricks

“I recommend building a library of theme sections and templates to use across projects. I have a site that I've affectionately named “All About That Base” which has all the plugins, WP core settings, themes and CSS shortcuts I use on every site. It takes minutes to duplicate but saves me hours. Today I have complete flexibility over my work schedule”.
Time Saving

My Work

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See more Nikki Hamilton’s work