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Scrolling Effects – Rotate

Last Update: January 14, 2024

Set any element to rotate left or right as the user scrolls up or down the page.

Follow these steps:

  1. Login to WP admin.
  2. Edit the image where you want to apply motion effect. The Edit Image panel shows on the left.
  3. Click Advance > Motion Effects.
  4. Toggle Scrolling Effects.
  5. For Rotate, click the edit icon.
  6. Set the following:
    • Direction
      • To Left 
      • To Right
    • Speed: Set the rotation speed from 0 to 10
    • Viewport: Determine when to begin the effect, based on viewport height (the visible size of the device screen).
      For example, if the viewport value is set between 50 – 100, the effect starts only after you scroll half the viewport height.
    • Apply Effects On: Select to apply the motion effects on Desktop, Tablet, and/or Mobile devices
    • Effects Relative To
      • Default: Calculates the effect based on the user’s viewport.  Relative to Viewport measures the height of the actual viewport/presented screen.
      • Viewport: Calculates the effect based on the user’s viewport.  Relative to Viewport measures the height of the actual viewport/presented screen.
      • Entire Page: Calculates the effect relative to the entire page height.
  7. Click Publish.

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